Jamie’s Bio Beach Yoga

JamieJaime has been actively practicing yoga for 3 years. Before her yoga days, she experimented with pretty much every sport. She was a competitive figure skater and a collegiate field hockey player. She has a strong aquatics background and was an American Red Cross certified Lifeguard and Water Safety Instructor for over 10 years. Currently she runs half marathons. She loves to try anything that keeps her moving and in good enough shape to keep up with her six and five year‐old son and daughter.

One year ago, she moved to Virginia Beach with her family and found Studio Bamboo. She started taking yoga classes with some of the best instructors that she had ever experienced. She loved the benefits of strengthening her body and calming her mind. She learned how use her mind to reach a healthier state of fitness and mental clarity. This new outlook on life inspired her to teach yoga to others. Jaime is currently enrolled in the Studio Bamboo Institute of Yoga 200‐hour level Instructor Certification Program.

When you take Jaime’s class you will enjoy a fun sequence that will push you physically, while simultaneously calming your mind and opening your heart. You will learn how to move with ease and grace on an unstable surface, while enjoying the peace and serenity of the Chesapeake Bay. Jaime will meet you with a kind smile and a warm heart, allowing you to connect instantly, while feeling safe and encouraged throughout the practice.